
Common Questions

What should I Expect when I First Arrive?

When you come to our worship service, expect to be greeted and welcomed. You will be provided with a “Worship Journal” (our bulletin) which will help guide you through our time together in the worship gathering. You will notice a QR code on the back of our worship journal to scan for you to give us some contact information about yourself.  We would like to give you a FREE BOOK, please ask a greeter to receive it.

Our focus in worship is on Jesus Christ, and we give time to reading the Bible publicly, to prayer, to singing and to preaching.  Our hope is that you will find the Lord Jesus Christ honored and exalted. You will find our times of worship to be serious, simple and joyful.  Our service is usually just under two hours.  If you are looking to be entertained, I am afraid you will be disappointed.

How would you describe the Singing?

We love singing the Psalms, historic hymns, as well as doctrinally-rich modern choruses. We prefer congregational singing, which emphasizes the gathered body singing praise to God with one voice.  We use the Hymns of Grace hymnal.

How would you describe the Preaching?

Preaching is expositional, meaning that it seeks to explain and apply a particular passage of the Bible. Sermons usually last around 50 minutes and strive to include exegesis (detailed explanation of the text), doctrinal teaching, exhortation, and application. On a regular basis, our sermon series alternate between the Old and New Testaments. All preaching is filtered through the glorious gospel, the Bible’s main message of God saving sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Do you have a Nursery for my Children?

You are welcome to have your child in the service with you, but we also provide a warm and friendly nursery where your child (3 years old or younger) is welcomed and cared for during the service.  All nursery workers have passed background checks to ensure that your child is in a safe and loving environment. Click here to review our Nursery Handbook.

What Should I Wear?

We encourage you to dress well with comfort and modesty in mind.  Our goal is to remember that what matters in worship is our hearts.  So we seek to cherish Christ and love the saints around us as we gather for worship.

What Should I Bring?

Because we seek to be a Word-centered church, all you will need to bring is your Bible and a pen. If you do not have a Bible, pew Bibles are available. We use the English Standard Version (ESV), though there are many good translations represented throughout our congregation.

Watch one of our sermons.